About Tide Mill Organic Farm

Our Story
Tide Mill Farm has been in the Bell Family since 1765. For over 200 years, our family has dedicated their lives to producing healthy food. Farming is in our blood. Today, members of the 7th, 8th, and 9th generation work together every day to raise and provide the healthiest, humanly raised organic food you can buy.
Nestled on the northeastern most coast of Maine, our livestock enjoy foggy mornings in our seaside pastures with farmers who prioritize quality of life and certified organic practices.

Our Values and Goals
We believe there is more to running a business than making a profit. We strive to provide an option for people who want to eat real organic food free of chemicals, preservatives, and additives that interfere with our health. Our mission is for our family to earn our living together growing and providing nourishing food while promoting healthy lifestyles, partnership with the land, and strengthening the economy in Washington County, Maine.